Find Guidance and Inspiration in the Teachings of Jesus Christ
Jesus’s words—and the blessings from living them—are just as true today. Missionaries can show you how His teachings provide solutions to your problems, strength to deal with challenges, and more joy in your life.
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How Jesus’s Teachings Have Blessed Others

“I opened [the Bible] to that scripture that says, ‘seek and ye shall find.’ It talked about Jesus Christ. I was taken with His stories, the things that He suffered. And He [had] so much love for everyone. And now [I was] learning about His sacrifice. Now I had this desire to be like Him.”

Shih Jing
“Ever since I came to know the gospel of Jesus Christ, my life has really changed. My life has become happier and happier because the gospel brings me so much hope. Also, I have the example of Jesus Christ, which I can really learn from and emulate. These things have opened my eyes, and I have been able to discover how truly wonderful this world is.”
“One of my favorites is the good Samaritan. I like the idea that you stop and help someone in need regardless of their class or religious affiliation. And I think that that’s been the way that I’ve tried to pattern my life. The Bible has always been a big part of how my faith began.”
What to Expect from Your Visit
We’re excited to meet you and discover together greater meaning for your life in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Here’s what your visit might be like:
We’ll get to know each other.
We’ll pray together.
We’ll learn about the teachings of Jesus Christ.
We’ll invite you to worship with a welcoming Christian community.