Easter is a joyous celebration of what’s possible because of Jesus Christ. Because of Him, we can have a fresh start as we repent and are forgiven for our sins. We can live with God and our loved ones forever. We can look forward to the future with hope.
Jesus Christ Is the Son of God
We believe Jesus Christ is the literal Son of God, sent to earth to redeem us from sin and death. He willingly took on the role of our Savior to help fulfill God’s plan of happiness for His children.
He Understands You Perfectly
Jesus suffered for all of our sins as He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane and was hung on the cross to die. He gained a perfect, divine understanding of everything you have ever experienced.
He Died for You on the Cross at Calvary
The Savior’s ultimate sacrifice for all of us, which we call the Atonement, makes it possible for us to repent and be forgiven for our sins, making us worthy to live with God again someday.
He Was Resurrected So You Can Live Again
Jesus Christ’s victory over death through His Resurrection makes it possible for all of us to live again. If we live Christ’s gospel, we can look forward to living with God and our families for eternity.
Jesus Visited His “Other Sheep”
After His Resurrection, Jesus visited His people in the Americas. The Book of Mormon recounts how He ministered to the people there and established His Church as He did in the Middle East (see
3 Nephi 11).
Jesus Christ Still Lives Today
Jesus Christ is a living, Resurrected being. He leads and guides His prophets and apostles today through The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We believe He will return to the earth again and reign with peace.