Discover unique Temple Square experiences ranging from art and cultural attractions to family history research to locations with religious or historical significance.
Most experiences on Temple Square are self-guided or can be easily accommodated if you come in groups. However, if you have a large group, you may want to schedule ahead.
To schedule an in-person or virtual tour, call (801) 240-8945 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. mountain time or email You may also contact this number for general information about Temple Square.
In-person tours on Temple Square are currently available for several locations on Temple Square, with more opening soon. Tours can be adjusted to accommodate the time you have available.
Lessons are a personalized and customized way to learn about what Latter-day Saints believe. Female missionaries will get to know you, pray with you, and teach you about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Lessons can be adjusted to accommodate the time you have available.
Currently, virtual tours are available for the following:
These tours are available seven days a week from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. These virtual tours are available in 40 languages and include a live-hosted, customized experience of Temple Square.
Accommodations for special needs are welcomed and can
be arranged through guest services for individuals and groups. Language interpretation services are also available free of charge.
Guest Services: Call (801) 240-8945 or
Large Group Presentations
These presentations are available for youth groups, adult groups, or tour groups who are interested in additional understanding about Church history exhibits.