Mystery Picture
December 1985

“Mystery Picture,” Friend, Dec. 1985, 33

Mystery Picture

Beginning at the star, draw lines from dot to dot as instructed in the answers to the following questions. If you answer every question correctly, you will have drawn a picture of something very important.

Mystery Picture
  1. After reading the Book of Matthew, Joseph Smith decided to pray about which church to join. (See JS—H 1:11.)

    • True: Move right three dots

    • False: Move left three dots

  2. Joseph Smith was instructed to join any church he wanted to. (See JS—H 1:19.)

    • True: Move up one dot

    • False: Move diagonally down and left two dots

  3. Joseph Smith was fourteen years old when he received the First Vision. (See JS—H 1:23.)

    • True: Move down two dots

    • False: Move left two dots

  4. Joseph Smith received a strong testimony of the reality and divinity of Heavenly Father and Jesus, which he never denied. (See JS—H 1:25.)

    • True: Move right three dots

    • False: Move down two dots

  5. Joseph Smith had forgotten to say his prayers the night Moroni first appeared to him. (See JS—H 1:29–30.)

    • True: Move down and right one dot

    • False: Move diagonally up and right two dots

  6. Joseph Smith’s room was very dark while Moroni was there. (See JS—H 1:32.)

    • True: Move down two dots

    • False: Move up two dots

  7. Moroni told Joseph Smith that he, Moroni, had been sent by Noah to teach Joseph. (See JS—H 1:33.)

    • True: Move down one dot

    • False: Move diagonally down and left two dots

  8. Moroni told Joseph Smith about certain gold plates that contained the gospel. (See JS—H 1:34.)

    • True: Move down two dots

    • False: Move up two dots

  9. Moroni quoted prophecies from the Old Testament. (See JS—H 1:36–40.)

    • True: Move up two dots

    • False: Move diagonally down and left two dots

  10. The Book of Mormon was translated from the gold plates. (See JS—H 1:66–67.)

    • True: Move left three dots

    • False: Move right one dot.


  • (1) false, (2) false, (3) true, (4) true, (5) false, (6) false, (7) false, (8) true, (9) true, (10) true.
