David O. McKay Receives an Answer
February 2001

“David O. McKay Receives an Answer,” Friend, Feb. 2001, 38–39

From the Lives of the Church Presidents

Adapted from David O. McKay, by Francis M. Gibbons, pages 17–18, 45, 50–51

David O. McKay Receives an Answer

David O. McKay
Events in his life

Illustrated by Mike Eagle

As a boy, David O. McKay wanted to know for himself that Joseph Smith was a prophet. One day while looking for cattle, he got off his horse and knelt under a serviceberry bush.

He asked Heavenly Father for a spiritual witness, then waited for something wonderful to happen. Nothing did.

David: If I am true to myself, I must say I am just the same “old boy” that I was before I prayed.

Disappointed, he got back on his horse and rode away.

Still, he continued faithful and in time served a mission in Scotland. One day while there, he saw an unfinished building with a stone carving over the front door. He read the inscription: “What E’er Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part.” This advice inspired him to work harder.

David: I am here as a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. From this moment on I will do my part.

Later, during a missionary priesthood meeting, President McMurrin, his mission president, made a prophecy.

President McMurrin: Brother David, … God is mindful of you. If you will keep the faith you will yet sit in the leading councils of the Church.

During that meeting, Elder McKay received the sure witness he had prayed for as a boy. He knew the Church was true. He also knew that Heavenly Father answers our prayers in His own time and His own way.

As President of the Church, David O. McKay taught that every member of the Church is a missionary. Latter-day Saints responded by sharing the gospel with their neighbors.

If you’d like to learn more about President McKay, do the “President David O. McKay Crossword” on page 23.
