Guide to the Friend
November 2005

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Nov. 2005, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. The Primary theme for November is “I can share the gospel so that others can follow Heavenly Father’s plan.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned below.

  1. What does President Thomas S. Monson say it means to have courage? Read his message “Courage Counts” (pp. 2–3). Have each family member share other examples of courage from the scriptures and his or her own life.

  2. Read “Getting to Know Nicole” (pp. 4–6) and “A Missionary Now” (p. 19). What does Ashlie learn about missionary work? How can you be prepared to share the gospel and help others feel comfortable asking about your beliefs? Decide to pray regularly as a family for missionary opportunities and the ability to recognize them.

  3. How did Elder Robert K. Dellenbach of the Seventy gain a testimony? Read his message “The Hour of Conversion” (pp. 8–9). Complete the activity on page 35 to find out how you can gain a testimony.

  4. Read “Thankful for the Prophet” (pp. 16–18). Can you think of ways that obeying a prophet has blessed your life? Choose one or two favorite talks from general conference to review (found at www.lds.org in Gospel Library or the November 2005 Ensign). Write down one thing you can do to follow the prophet’s most recent counsel.

  5. Cooperate to make a Family Memory Book (p. 30). If any family members are away serving missions or live far away, you may want to make another copy to mail them for Christmas next month. Serve Caramel Apple Drizzle (p. 29) for dessert.
