“How do I repent?” Friend, Mar. 2010, 11
Special Witness
How do I repent?
From “Repentance and Conversion,” Ensign, May 2007, 102–3.

Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shares some of his thoughts on this subject.
The Lord has commanded us to repent, to change our ways, to come unto Him, and be more like Him.
There must first be recognition, remorse, then confession.
Confession is to be made to the person who has been wronged. Confession should be sincere and not merely an admission of guilt.
The next step is restitution—to repair damage done.
Then come steps to resolve to do better.
Thanks to … the Atonement of Jesus Christ, full forgiveness is given to the sinner who repents and remains free from sin.
Illustration by Jack Martin