When I Grow Up … I Want to Own a Business
August 2016

“When I Grow Up … I Want to Own a Business ,” Friend, August 2016, 20

When I Grow Up …

I Want to Own a Business

I’m Rosemary Card, and I’m a business owner.

When I Grow Up … I Want to Be a Business Owner

What do you do in your job?

I design and sell dresses for women to wear in the temple. I own a small business, so I do everything myself. First I create dress designs, then I have another company make them, and then I advertise and sell the dresses online.

What do you like most about your job?

I get to be my own boss and have my dog as a coworker! But I have to be responsible too. No one will get mad if I don’t work for a day, but no work will get done unless I do it. I work extra hard because I love my job and I know it’s what Heavenly Father wants me to do.

What did you have to learn to do this job?

It took lots of research, asking questions, and praying. When I had questions or problems, I asked for help from people who had their own businesses. Most important, I prayed to Heavenly Father to help me know what was best for my company.

How does your job help grow your faith?

My job helps me put more faith in Heavenly Father. If I trust Him, He helps me do big, scary things. He knows my talents, so He helps me grow them through my work. This way I can share my talents and help others too. Heavenly Father has taught me to be the best business owner I can be. I feel good knowing that I’m helping women as they go to the temple to learn about Heavenly Father.
