October 2019 general conference Saturday Morning Session Saturday Morning Session Jeffrey R. HollandThe Message, the Meaning, and the MultitudeElder Holland reminds us to always keep our focus on the Savior as the center of our lives, our faith, and our service. Terence M. VinsonTrue Disciples of the SaviorElder Vinson teaches about the importance of committing to being a disciple of Jesus Christ. Stephen W. OwenBe Faithful, Not FaithlessBrother Owen teaches how we can be spiritually nourished by home-centered, Church-supported gospel learning and living. D. Todd ChristoffersonThe Joy of the SaintsElder Christofferson teaches about the joy that comes from keeping the commandments, from overcoming challenges, and from serving as Jesus served. Michelle D. CraigSpiritual CapacitySister Craig teaches how we can increase our spiritual capacity to receive revelation. Dale G. RenlundUnwavering Commitment to Jesus ChristElder Renlund teaches that God invites us to cast our old ways completely out of reach and begin a new life in Christ, showing our commitment by making and keeping covenants. Dallin H. OaksTrust in the LordPresident Oaks teaches that trusting in the Lord is the best option when we have questions about things that have not yet been revealed. Saturday Afternoon Session Saturday Afternoon Session Henry B. EyringSustaining of General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General Officers of the ChurchPresident Eyring presents Church leaders for a sustaining vote. David A. BednarWatchful unto Prayer ContinuallyUsing cheetahs as an example of predators, Elder Bednar teaches three ways to be aware of the devil’s tactics. Rubén V. AlliaudFound through the Power of the Book of MormonElder Alliaud teaches how conversion can occur through the powerful truths in the Book of Mormon. Russell M. NelsonWitnesses, Aaronic Priesthood Quorums, and Young Women ClassesPresident Nelson announces policy changes regarding witnesses and adjustments to Aaronic Priesthood quorums and Young Women classes. Quentin L. CookAdjustments to Strengthen YouthElder Cook announces organizational changes intended to help bishoprics focus on their responsibility to care for the youth. Mark L. PaceCome, Follow Me—the Lord’s Counterstrategy and Proactive PlanPresident Pace teaches that studying Come, Follow Me combats the attacks of the adversary and brings members closer to God and their families. L. Todd BudgeConsistent and Resilient TrustElder Budge teaches about trusting in the Lord as he compares the Jaredites’ journey to our journey through mortality. Jorge M. AlvaradoAfter the Trial of Our FaithElder Alvarado shares examples of those who witnessed miracles after the trial of their faith. Ronald A. RasbandStanding by Our Promises and CovenantsElder Rasband reminds us of how important it is that we keep the covenants and promises that we make to the Lord and others. Women’s Session Women’s Session Reyna I. AburtoThru Cloud and Sunshine, Lord, Abide with Me!Sister Aburto testifies that the Savior can help all of God’s children endure mental and physical infirmities. Lisa L. HarknessHonoring His NameSister Harkness teaches what it means to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ and always remember Him. Bonnie H. CordonBeloved DaughtersSister Cordon announces adjustments to the Young Women organization and teaches that the changes will help young women draw closer to the Savior. Henry B. EyringCovenant Women in Partnership with GodPresident Eyring teaches how women who have made covenants partner with God to serve His children and thus prepare themselves to return to Him. Dallin H. OaksTwo Great CommandmentsPresident Oaks explains how the commandments to love God and love our neighbor relate to our interactions with those identifying as LGBT. Russell M. NelsonSpiritual TreasuresPresident Nelson teaches that women who have been endowed with priesthood power in the temple can access the power of God in their lives. Sunday Morning Session Sunday Morning Session Gerrit W. GongCovenant BelongingElder Gong describes the blessings of entering into a covenant relationship with God and with each other. Cristina B. FrancoFinding Joy in Sharing the GospelSister Franco teaches the importance of sharing the gospel with those around us. Dieter F. UchtdorfYour Great AdventureElder Uchtdorf teaches about our journey of discipleship and encourages us to seek God, minister to others, and share our experience with others. Walter F. GonzálezThe Savior’s TouchElder González teaches us that the Savior wants to heal us and that if we come to Him and seek His will, He will either heal us or give us strength to endure. Gary E. StevensonDeceive Me NotElder Stevenson warns us of the cunning and deception of the adversary and invites us to stand strong and follow the Lord’s commands. Russell M. NelsonThe Second Great CommandmentPresident Nelson gives examples of how the Church and its members are fulfilling the Lord’s second great commandment to love our neighbors through humanitarian efforts. Sunday Afternoon Session Sunday Afternoon Session Henry B. EyringHoliness and the Plan of HappinessPresident Eyring teaches that greater happiness comes through greater personal holiness, obtained by faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, and facing adversity. Hans T. BoomKnowing, Loving, and GrowingElder Boom teaches us that each of us can grow in our role in God’s work by coming to know who we are and then ministering to others in Christlike love. M. Russell BallardGiving Our Spirits Control over Our BodiesPresident Ballard teaches that living right involves overcoming the natural man and giving priority to our spiritual nature. Peter M. JohnsonPower to Overcome the AdversaryElder Johnson teaches that we can overcome Satan’s deceptions, distractions, and discouragement through praying, studying the Book of Mormon, and partaking of the sacrament. Ulisses SoaresTake Up Our CrossElder Soares invites us to take up our cross by following the Savior’s perfect example and by following his teachings and commandments. Neil L. AndersenFruitElder Andersen teaches that as we focus on Jesus Christ and faithfully endure opposition, the fruit of the tree of life (the blessings of the Atonement) can be ours. Russell M. NelsonClosing RemarksPresident Nelson encourages members to become more holy, to prepare for next general conference, and to study the Book of Mormon.