Jamaica: Young Adults Outside by Ocean
Gospel Living

Activity: How Well Do You Know Your Family?

10/13/20 | 1 min read


As a group, take the “Do You Know” quiz to help youth discover areas of their family history they can understand better.

Activity Suggestion

Before the activity, make a copy of the “Do You Know” quiz for each member of your group. If you can’t print a copy of the quiz for everyone, prepare to read the questions out loud and have the group members answer “Yes” or “No” on a sheet of paper.

At the activity, take the quiz as a group. After everyone has finished, invite the youth to share some of their “Yes” answers and the stories that go along with them, if they are comfortable with sharing. Then you might ask the youth to identify which questions they answered “No” to. Encourage them to discuss these questions at home with their families. You might set a goal to follow up with the youth at a later activity.

Adaptation Ideas

  • Ask the youth what additional information they would like to know about their family history. Make a list of the questions, and then encourage them to find answers.
  • If you have internet access, go to FamilySearch.org and invite the youth to enter a family story as a memory.
  • Invite the youth to use the quiz at home for a family activity. At a later activity, you could invite the youth to share what their family members learned about each other.


Encourage youth to talk about how what they are learning can help them and others grow closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity and should last just a few minutes. You could ask questions like the following:

  • What did you learn about your family that you didn’t know before?
  • What do the scriptures say about the importance of families?
