Build faith in Jesus Christ, strengthen testimonies, develop talents, make new friends, and have fun with youth who share similar beliefs and standards.
Activity Suggestion
Youth conferences (for ages 14-18) are usually held once each year on a ward or stake level. They may also be held on a multistake or area level. Stake youth conferences are planned and carried out by the stake Aaronic Priesthood–Young Women committee under the direction of the stake presidency. Youth should be invited to assist the committee as much as possible in planning stake youth conferences. The stake presidency may invite youth to attend the committee’s meetings as needed.
Select a gospel theme for the conference. It could be a scripture, the theme for the year, or a quotation from a living prophet. The stake presidency should approve the theme. Plan activities such as devotionals, group meetings, learning experiences, and service projects that are consistent with the theme.
Members of the bishopric or stake presidency are invited to attend as much of the conference as possible. Young Men and Young Women presidencies are encouraged to attend the entire conference.