BYU Pathway: Adelaide
Gospel Living

Adelaide felt stuck in a rut.

05/26/23 | 1 min read
Then she got involved in BYU–Pathway Worldwide!

After Adelaide returned from her mission, she wasn’t sure what she should do with her life. Then a friend suggested exploring BYU–Pathway Worldwide. So she did! Now Adelaide is moving forward in life again, working on a degree in applied health.

“I have learned about time management, developing good habits, communication, working with a group, and many more useful skills that I know will help me as I search for and start a future career,” she said.

What can you do to keep learning and growing in the future?

Adelaide says that BYU-Pathway is a great opportunity for people who get anxious about higher education and the course load.

“I have felt that God is aware of me and knows my needs,” she said.

BYU-Pathway is a spiritual, reduced-cost, higher education that is available in more than 180 countries. Visit to see if it’s something that could help your life!

Education Goals

Are you working on any intellectual goals, or goals related to education?
