undefined undefined Children and Youth Emblems
Gospel Living

Children and Youth Emblems

16 Aug 2021 | 2 min read
CTR Ring

Children and Youth represents a worldwide group of individuals striving to become more like Jesus Christ. To represent that unity, children and youth will receive several emblems during their time in Primary, Aaronic Priesthood quorums, and Young Women classes. They can also receive emblems of achievement near the completion of their time in Aaronic Priesthood quorums and Young Women classes.

Children and Youth Ring and Picture of the Temple

The year they turn 8, children will receive a ring and a picture of the temple in their temple district.

How do children receive these emblems?

Both of these emblems will be given to children by the bishop, who may visit their Primary class at the beginning of the year they turn 8.

Children and Youth Ring, Necklace, and Temple Recommend Holder

The year they turn 12, youth will receive a temple recommend holder. Young men will also receive a ring, and young women will also receive a medallion and gem pendant.

How do youth receive these emblems?

Young men will receive a ring from their quorum presidency. Young women will receive a medallion and gem pendant from their class presidency. In addition, during an interview, the bishop will give each youth a holder for a temple recommend.

Children and Youth oil vial for Young Men

The year they turn 18, young men will receive an oil vial they can use after they are ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood. Young women will receive a pendant that can be added to the chain with their medallion.

How do youth receive these emblems?

The oil vial or pendant will be given to youth by their quorum or class presidency near the beginning of the year they turn 18.

Children and Youth crystal

During the year a young man or young woman turns 18, he or she (with parents, if desired) will have the opportunity to meet with the bishop to discuss his or her progress. In this setting, the bishop will present a certificate from the First Presidency, as well as the Children and Youth crystal. He gives these emblems of achievement to youth who are trying to become more like the Savior by striving to:

  • Study the scriptures and pray daily.
  • Be worthy of a limited-use temple recommend.
  • Participate in Sabbath meetings, quorum or class work, and seminary.
  • Work on goals in each area of growth.
  • Serve others in a personally significant way, which could include a service project.

New converts, those who have not been actively participating in Children and Youth or the Church, and those who are not members of the Church may also receive the emblems of achievement the year they turn 18 if, at the time of their interview, they are actively working to develop these patterns of discipleship.
Symbols for Strive to Be are available for local events and activities.

Strive to Be assets for Youth Conferences and Camps

16 Aug 2021 | 2 min read


Jessie H.
18 Jun 2024
No active young women or men in our branch. Who will present these emblems to our up and coming 12 year olds ?
Becky J.
14 Jan 2024
Can a non member young woman receive the pendant? Is this decision case by case and up to the Bishop?
Nurana a.
2 Dec 2023
I had followed the instructions given in the comments about how to retrieve the certificates but was unable to locate PRINT CERTIFICATES after clicking on REPORTS. It was not part of the drop down menu. Would anyone on this forum have an idea as to where the certificate is located please? Thank you in advance for the assistance.
Stacey B.
26 Nov 2023
Hi, I am unable to find the rings for the YM as well as the certificates for graduates. Does the store still sell them?
Cameron C.
13 Aug 2023
To help others find the certificate, you'll need to go the LCR > Reports > Print Certificates. Then on the new page, select Youth Certificate. You can then select the youth to receive it and print the generated certificate. If you don't have this option in LCR you'll need to ask your Bishop or Clerk to help.
Esther O.
3 Aug 2023
What are the young women supposed to do or achieve to receive emblems and certificate of achievement?
Ruby M.
1 Jul 2023
Hi I cannot find the Certificate of Achievement in the Leader and Clerk Tools (Reports). Is it found somewhere else? If so, could you advise where so I can source and print. Thanks
Christian S.
6 Jun 2023
The online store says the medallion is discontinued. How do we order them for our ward?
Wendy S.
17 Mar 2023
There used to be opportunities for adult leaders to receive "The YW Medallion", is there opportunity for them to receive anything now?
Jey B.
11 Feb 2023
Hello! Hoping to have the printable certificate of achievement that is accessible to us. Thanks!