Gospel Living

Did you know this song is part of every temple dedication?

4 Jul 2021 | 1 min read
Musical Moment 2
The tradition began one miraculous day in Kirtland, Ohio.
The Spirit of God

Imagine you were one of a thousand early Saints who came to the Kirtland Temple dedication in 1836. They listened to a talk and a dedicatory prayer. At the end of the meeting, everyone started to sing a hymn called “The Spirit of God.”

Suddenly the words of the song came to life! Miracles started happening. Some Saints spoke in tongues while others were able to interpret. Many saw angels on the temple roof or heard heavenly singing. There were healings, visions, and dreams.

The Savior Himself even appeared in five different meetings held in that temple.

Today this hymn is part of every temple dedication. What a powerful musical tradition!

Temple Thoughts

As you listen to this hymn, think about the temple—what you love about it and when you’ll visit next. We hope you have a wonderful week!

Note: Information taken from this Tabernacle Choir blog.

4 Jul 2021 | 1 min read