Gospel Living

Elijah was having a really bad day.

07/01/22 | 1 min read
What happened next was amazing.

The story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19 reminds us that even prophets can feel lousy sometimes. Really lousy. Like, “I want to die” lousy.

But the story reminds us of another important truth too: that divine help and healing are always available!

When Elijah was at the end of his rope, God helped him find the resources he needed to gain strength again. In his case, it was a miraculous meal of bread and water. But God’s help can take lots of different forms.

What has helped you get through hard times? Is there anyone who might need your help right now? Questions like these are worth thinking about as we learn from Elijah’s desert of despair.

Check out this article for more. And if you are feeling despair today, visit mentalhealth.ChurchofJesusChrist.org for help. Don’t give up! Things will get better!

Story Symbolism

Think about the symbolism in this story. What could bread and water represent? Or the desert? There’s no wrong or right answer—just write your ideas.
