Gospel Living

Emoji Quiz: Can You Guess These New Testament Stories?

12 Sep 2020 | 1 min read
Game Campaign
Emoji Quiz Campaign

Looking for a chance to stretch your brain? Now’s your chance! Take a look at these emojis and piece together which New Testament story they’re trying to tell.

Here’s a big hint: all of these stories take place in the four Gospels, but they don’t appear chronologically. If you need more help, here are some more specific tips:

1. This woman received a divine—and very unexpected—message (Luke 1).

2. This group found themselves in the middle of a heavenly choir (Luke 2).

3. A wedding was saved by a little miraculous intervention (John 2).

4. Even something as simple as walking can be miraculous (Matthew 14).

5. This story is about the ultimate game of hide and sheep (Matthew 18).——————————


1. The angel Gabriel tells Mary that she will be the mother of Jesus.

2. Angels visit the shepherds in the hills of Bethlehem.

3. Jesus turns water into wine.

4. Jesus walks on water.

5. The parable of the lost sheep.

12 Sep 2020 | 1 min read