undefined undefined Give like the little stream.
Gospel Living

Give like the little stream.

19 May 2024 | 1 min read
Leaving a trail of kindness!

There’s a Primary song called “Give,” Said the Little Stream that encourages us to have an unselfish attitude.

In the song, this little stream gives an adorable pep talk:

“I’m small, I know, but wherever I go the fields grow greener still.” (Scroll down for other lyrics.)

We may not be able to change the world in some big heroic way today. But wherever we go, we can either leave a trail of apathy and cynicism, or compassion and positivity. Let’s choose the latter!

Your kindness makes a difference.

Memorization Challenge

Memorizing the words to this song—or another hymn or Primary song—can be a huge mood booster and tool for encouragement. Give it a try!

“Give,” Said the Little Stream

“Give,” said the little stream,
“Give, oh! give, give, oh! give.”
“Give,” said the little stream,
As it hurried down the hill;
“I’m small, I know, but wherever I go
The fields grow greener still.”

Singing, singing all the day,
“Give away, oh! give away.”
Singing, singing all the day,
“Give, oh! give away.”

“Give,” said the little rain,
“Give, oh! give, give, oh! give.”
“Give,” said the little rain,
As it fell upon the flow’rs;
“I’ll raise their drooping heads again,”
As it fell upon the flow’rs.


Give, then, as Jesus gives,
Give, oh! give, give, oh! give.
Give, then, as Jesus gives;
There is something all can give.
Do as the streams and blossoms do:
For God and others live.


19 May 2024 | 1 min read