Modesty refers to dignity and humility. It is the opposite of being vain or showing off. Modesty isn’t just about the way you dress. Modesty is a mindset that reflects a desire to protect and show respect for your body and mind. You can be modest in the way you dress, think, speak, and act.
Goal Ideas
- Make a list of ways you can be modest. Be sure to include some things that don’t relate to the way you look or dress. Think of your attitudes and behavior in your roles as a friend, teammate, family member, student, or mentor. As you act in these roles, think about your list, and try to implement modesty in your thoughts, words, and actions.
- Think back over the last week. In what ways was your dress, appearance, and behavior modest? Acknowledge what you did well. Do you see anything you’d like to improve? Set a goal to make at least one positive change.
- Ask a teacher or leader at Church if you can present a lesson on modesty. You may want to do this with a friend. Think of ways you can teach about modesty in a way that seems inspiring and uplifting.
- Discuss with your friends, leaders, or parents why dress and appearance are an important part of modesty. Look through your clothing. Make a goal to dress in a way that reflects your desire to follow the Savior.
- Take time to study and pray about the principle of modesty.
Related Resources
- “Dress and Appearance,” For the Strength of Youth (booklet, 2011), 6–8
- Carol F. McConkie, “Courage to Choose Modesty,” Ensign, Oct. 2014, 40–43
- “Dare to Stand Alone” (video), ChurchofJesusChrist.org
- “Modesty: More Than a Dress Code,” Ensign, July 2017, 72
Strive to Be
Adopt this goal.