Gospel Living

Good humor is good for you.

13 Mar 2023 | 1 min read
Good humor is good for you
Sometimes we all need a laugh!

If you’ve ever used autocorrect, you know that funny mistakes can happen all the time. A normal text like “me neither” can turn into “me burger,” and the next thing you know, your friends think you’ve turned into a hamburger!

Humor is good for you. Even the scriptures say it’s good to laugh sometimes.1 Among other things, laughter can…

  • Help you feel less stressed or anxious.
  • Strengthen your relationships with others.
  • Remind you that some things aren’t a big deal! Your friends will know you’re not actually a hamburger!

Try to learn the difference between good humor and not-so-good humor. For example, laughing with people is a lot better than laughing at people. Use clean language and be respectful of sacred things.

Have fun!

Family Funnies

What does your family laugh together about? Be sure to add those stories to your journal in addition to the more serious stuff!

Adapted from David A. Edwards, “Let’s Lighten Up, Shall We?,” For the Strength of Youth, October 2022.
1. See Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4.

13 Mar 2023 | 1 min read