Have you ever had a problem? The answer is yes.
Have you ever had a problem that was your own fault because you’d messed up? The answer to that is probably yes, too.
When you’ve made a bad choice and you’re suffering the consequences for it, is it helpful for someone to say, “It serves you right! You brought this on yourself”?
Not helpful!
When you need help, that’s what you need—help. You don’t need lectures or judgment. You certainly don’t need people refusing to help you because they think you deserve your problems!
King Benjamin reminded his people (and us) of this truth when he encouraged them to help the poor and needy. He even anticipated what their excuse might be for not helping:
“Perhaps thou shalt say: The man has brought upon himself his misery; therefore I will stay my hand, and will not give unto him of my food, nor impart unto him of my substance that he may not suffer, for his punishments are just.
“But I say unto you, O man, whosoever doeth this the same hath great cause to repent; and except he repenteth of that which he hath done he perisheth forever, and hath no interest in the kingdom of God” (Mosiah 4:17–18).
This principle doesn’t just apply to people who need food or money. Disciples of Christ should “mourn with those that mourn; yes, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort”—regardless of why people are mourning and need comfort (Mosiah 18:9).
Even if their suffering is the result of their own choices, that’s none of your business.
Just help! Leave the judging to the Lord.