We just started the Doctrine and Covenants, but before we go on, we’re going to switch over to the Pearl of Great Price for two weeks and read Joseph Smith—History.
This is the prophet’s own account of the First Vision, his visits from Moroni, the translation of the Book of Mormon, and other important events that happened “behind the scenes” of the Doctrine and Covenants. Learning about these things gives us the background we need to understand the revelations!
As you read these verses, look for ways that you can relate to young Joseph. Maybe you’ve been unsure about your faith. Maybe you have family members who go to different churches. Maybe you’ve had the (very annoying) experience of adults dismissing what you have to say because of your age.
As hard as those things would be, Joseph found out that God knew him, loved him, and answered his prayers.
Imagine how wonderful it would be to see Heavenly Father and Jesus! This is one of the most sacred and beautiful events in history.