Gospel Living

“His Kindness in Me”

9 Nov 2021 | 1 min read
Daday Ducena and Ralph Malapre perform 'His Kindness in Me' during a youth music festival event held on March 17, 2021.
From the 2021 Youth Music Festival.

The Savior isn’t here in person for people to see and talk to. Until He comes again, He wants us to help people grow closer to Him by seeing Him in us.

When our words and actions are the kinds of things the Lord would say and do, we share His love with the people around us.

In this clip, Daday Ducena and Ralph Malapre sing a Filipino song about this called “His Kindness in Me.”

Practicing Kindness

Who can you be extra kind to today? Try to help someone see the Savior through you.

Note: You can watch the entire festival here.

9 Nov 2021 | 1 min read