Restoration Campaign
Gospel Living

How Is the Restoration Still Ongoing?

09/14/20 | 1 min read
And how can I be a part of it?

Joseph Smith’s First Vision was a major starting point, but it was only the beginning of the Restoration of the gospel. As Joseph wrote in the ninth article of faith, “We believe that [God] will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.”

In other words, it’s still happening! God isn’t done revealing or restoring things. The “Restoration” includes gathering Israel, which President Russell M. Nelson said means helping people on both sides of the veil accept the gospel.1 When you do missionary work, family history work, or temple work, or when you minister to others, you’re participating in the Restoration. How exciting that we get to be part of something that prophets foretold for centuries!


1. Russell M. Nelson, “Closing Remarks,” April 2019 general conference.
