Gospel Living

How is your body like a car?

19 Mar 2024 | 1 min read
Food is Fuel
Both need fuel to run smoothly!

We’re told that feasting on the word of God is important... but feasting on healthy food is important too! Why?

Well, imagine you’re cruising down the road in your car, wind in your hair, feeling cool. All of a sudden, your car putters to a stop! You ran out of gas.

We know that without proper fuel, a car can’t run. Well, our bodies are similar. Food is fuel for our bodies!

Your body needs different types of nutrients to keep it running. Here are three examples:

  1. Carbohydrates. Your body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, which is converted to energy. Examples include oats, lentils, and rice.
  2. Protein. Protein helps your body build muscle, repair tissue, fight infection, and carry oxygen in your blood. Examples include eggs, meats, and dairy products.
  3. Fat. Yes, we need healthy fat! Fats are used to build cell membranes and nerve tissue. They also help provide the body with energy. Examples include avacado, fish, and olive oils.

Try to eat nutrient-dense food instead of something super processed or sugary. Put healthy fuel in that tank of yours, and celebrate all that your body can do!

Did You Know?

We have many recipes on Gospel Living you can try! Search by using the tags “recipe” or “food” to find them.


Read about fueling your body here and about the importance of carbohydrates here.

19 Mar 2024 | 1 min read