A Quick Thought from Come, Follow Me (Genesis 1-2; Moses 2-3; Abraham 4-5)
Gospel Living

It’s our job to care for the earth and its living things.

01/05/22 | 1 min read
Genesis 1–2, Moses 2–3, and Abraham 4–5.

After Heavenly Father and Jesus created the earth, They put humans in charge of it. The Lord gave us “dominion” (authority, rule) over the plants and animals—but being responsible for something doesn’t mean you can use it up however you want.

Quite the opposite!

We should take care of this planet God gave us. We shouldn’t waste water or food. We should try to reduce the trash we leave behind. And we should definitely be kind to all living creatures—even when we have to use them to survive.

As the Lord put it, animals and plants are created “for the benefit and the use of man,” but they should be used “with judgment, not to excess” (Doctrine and Covenants 59:18, 20). He also reminded us not to kill animals unnecessarily (see Doctrine and Covenants 49:21).

So what can you do to make your little corner of the world better? You can’t clean up all the trash in the ocean, but you can certainly pick up the litter in your neighborhood. You can’t end all animal abuse, but you can make sure any animal you encounter is treated kindly. Our small actions can add up to make a difference!

Celebrating Creation

What’s something you can do to enjoy and show gratitude for nature this week?

Note: For more Church resources about environmental stewardship and conservation, see this Gospel Topic essay.
