Gospel Living

Jesus Christ Comforts. #HearHim

22 Mar 2020 | 1 min read
Life of Jesus Christ: Teachings - Become as Little Children
The Lord is with us.

Elder Ronald A. Rasband, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, taught: “We may or may not have chariots of fire sent to dispel our fears and conquer our demons, but the lesson is clear. The Lord is with us, mindful of us and blessing us in ways only He can do. Prayer can call down the strength and the revelation that we need to center our thoughts on Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice. The Lord knew that at times we would feel fear. I have been there and so have you, which is why the scriptures are replete with the Lord’s counsel:

‘Be of good cheer, and do not fear’ (Doctrine and Covenants 68:6).”

For more, read “Be Not Troubled,” Liahona, November 2018, 18-21.

Interested in sharing this image of Christ? HearHim.ChurchofJesusChrist.org has downloadable images of the Savior that you can share with a friend or on social media using #HearHim.

22 Mar 2020 | 1 min read