And it came to pass that they did worship the Lord, and did go forth with me; and we did work timbers of curious workmanship. And the Lord did show me from time to time after what manner I should work the timbers of the ship. 
Chapter 7-9 (1 Nephi 18:1)
Scripture Stories is a weekly radio series, designed to inspire children to come to know and love stories from the scriptures. Each episode features children sharing their insights from and favorite experiences with the scriptures, along with music and readings of great stories from the scriptures.

May 20, 2024

Moroni and His Teachings | The Promise of the Book of Mormon

Ch. 53-54 | After Mormon died, Moroni finished the records his father had given him. In this episode we learn how Moroni wrote many important things so that others could come to know Jesus Christ. Also, we learn about the promise that Moroni wrote. He told people to read the records, then ask Heavenly Father if they are true. If they ask sincerely, with faith in Christ, the Holy Ghost would help them know that the records are true.
When Moroni finished writing on the gold plates, he hid them in a stone box in the Hill Cumorah and covered the box with a big rock.  His mortal work was finished.  Chapter 54-5 (Mormon 8:4; Joseph Smith_History 1:52)

May 20, 2024

The Destruction of the Jaredites

Ch. 52 | The Jaredites became a wicked people. The Lord sent prophets to tell them to repent or they would be destroyed. The people did not listen to the prophets. In this episode we learn how the Lord cursed the land because of their wickedness. We learn that there are consequences to our actions and that the Lord teaches us to make right choices.
And they hearkened not unto the voice of the Lord, because of their wicked combinations; wherefore, there began to be wars, contentions, famines and pestilences, insomuch that there was a great destruction, such an one as never had been known upon the face of the earth; and all this came to pass in the days of Shiblom. Chapter 52-4 (Ether 11:7)

May 20, 2024

Mormon and His Teachings

CH. 49 In this episode we learn through the life of Mormon that God will protect and bless those who choose to repent, to keep His commandments and to follow the Savior. We also learn how many years after Christ came, the people became wicked again. The sacred records of the Church were hidden to protect them from the wicked. Mormon was a strong and mighty man of God and was allowed to retrieve the records and write the history of his people. The Nephites were so wicked that the Lord could not protect them in battles against the Lamanites. In Mormon’s final battle, he is badly wounded and gives the records to his son, Moroni, to complete. Moroni is the last righteous Nephite to live. He finishes the record and hides it in the earth, relying in the Lord to bring them forth again. The Scripture Stories are available online at
Mormon says: When they had fled we did pursue them with our armies, and did meet them again, and did beat them; nevertheless the strength of the Lord was not with us; yea, we were left to ourselves, that the Spirit of the Lord did not abide in us; therefore we had become weak like unto our brethren. Chapter 49-12 (Mormon 2:26)

May 20, 2024

Jesus Christ Teaches

Ch. 45-46 In this episode of Scripture Stories, Christ introduces the sacrament to the people and tells them if they will always remember him and his sacrifice for them they will have his Spirit to help them make good decisions and to keep his commandments. Jesus tells the people to pray always to Heavenly Father in his name as individuals and as families, and even to pray for, and be an example to, those who are not members of the Church. He promises that as we do these things we will be blessed. Many are baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. Christ tells them to continually pray and that one day the Gospel would be preached throughout the world. The Scripture Stories are available online at
He taught the Nephites how to pray to Heavenly Father.  He also taught them about fasting and said they would be forgiven if they forgave one another. Chapter 43-14 (3 Nephi 13:6-18)

May 20, 2024

Jesus Christ Appears to the Nephites

Ch. 43-44 | Jesus Christ Appears to the Nephites | Book of Mormon Stories In this episode, we are taught about the coming of Jesus to the Nephites. He shows them the marks of the nails in his hands and feet and expresss how his atonement shows his love for each of us. He heals those who are sick or injured and tells them to believe in him that by keeping his commandments they can return to live with him and Heavenly Father. Christ invites the Nephites to repent and to follow him. Jesus gathers all the children around him, he prays to God for the people and then blesses each child. The Scripture Stories are available online at
And it came to pass, as they understood they cast their eyes up again towards heaven; and behold, they saw a Man descending out of heaven; and he was clothed in a white robe; and he came down and stood in the midst of them; and the eyes of the whole multitude were turned upon him, and they durst not open their mouths, even one to another, and wist not what it meant, for they thought it was an angel that had appeared unto them.  Chapter 43-6 (3 Nephi 11:8)

May 20, 2024

Signs of Christ's Crucifixion

In this episode we learn of the signs of the crucifixion of the Christ and how after Jesus died many cities were destroyed by great earthquakes and fires, and that all people were left in darkness for three days. The voice of the Lord told the people they needed to repent, believe in him, and live righteously. We must also continually strive to live and do the things the Lord would have us do in order to return to him.
There was terrible thunder, insomuch that it did shake the whole earth as if it was about to divide asunder. And there were exceedingly sharp lightnings, such as never had been known in all the land. Chapter 42-5 (3 Nephi 8:6-7)

May 20, 2024

Samuel The Lamanite Tells about Jesus Christ

Ch. 40-41 In this episode of Scripture Stories we learn about Samuel, the Lamanite prophet, and his courage as he told the wicked Nephites in Zarahemla of the coming of Jesus Christ and that they needed to repent of their sins or they would be destroyed. Sometimes it takes great courage and faith for us to stand up for what we know to be true, yet as we do the Lord will give us strength. We also learn of the great faith of those who believed in the coming of Christ and how they continued to believe even when they were threatened with death.
And as they went forth to lay their hands on Samuel, behold, he did cast himself down from the wall, and did flee out of their lands, yea, even unto his own country Chapter 40-16 (Helaman 16:7)

May 20, 2024

Nephi Receives Great Power

Ch. 39 In this episode, Nephi gains the trust of God for being obedient and righteous; and because of those things Nephi receives great power from Lord as he preached the Gospel. Just as Nephi, if we are obedient and righteous we can receive great power from the Lord. We also learn that we should always remember the blessings the Lord has given us and to keep ourselves humble in order to receive more blessings.
Nephi told them: Yea, behold it is now even at your doors; yea, go ye in unto the judgment-seat, and search; and behold, your judge is murdered, and he lieth in his blood; and he hath been murdered by his brother, who seeketh to sit in the judgment-seat. Chapter 38-12 (Helaman 8:27)

May 20, 2024

Murder of the Chief Judge

Ch. 38 In this episode we read and discuss chapter 38, The Murder of the Chief Judge.
When they saw Seezoram, the chief judge, lying in his blood, they fell to the ground in fear.  Now they knew that Nephi was a prophet.  Chapter 38-14 (Helaman 9:3-5)

May 20, 2024


In this episode we read and discuss chapter 36, Hagoth and chapter 37, Nephi and Lehi in Prison.
Hagoth building a large ship.  Chapter 36-2 (Alma 63:5)

May 20, 2024


Ch. 34-35 In this episode we read and discuss chapter 34, Helaman and the 2,000 Young Warriors and chapter 35, Captain Moroni and Pahoran.
Helaman's 2,060 warriors strong in battle, obeyed all of his orders with exactness Chapter 34-9 (Alma :19-21)

May 20, 2024

Captain Moroni

Ch. 32-33 In this episode we read and discuss chapter 32, Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty and chapter 33, King-Men Versus Freemen.
Moroni went forth among the people, waving the rent part of his garment in the air, that all might see the writing which he had written upon the rent part, and crying with a loud voice, saying:  Behold, whosoever will maintain this title upon the land, let them come forth in the strength of the Lord, and enter into a covenant that they will maintain their rights, and their religion, that the Lord God may bless them.  Chapter 32-7  (Alma 46:19-20)

May 20, 2024

Alma, Captain Moroni

Ch. 30-31 In this episode we read and discuss chapter 30, Alma Counsels His Sons, and chapter 31, Captain Moroni Defeats Zerahemnah.
Zerahemnah was angery and stirred up the remainder of his soldiers to anger.  Moroni was angry, because of the stubbornness of the Lamanites; therefore he commanded his people that they should fall upon them and slay them. And it came to pass that they began to slay them. But because of their naked skins and their bare heads were exposed to the sharp swords of the Nephites and they began to be swept down, even as the soldier of Moroni had prophesied. Chapter 31-21 (Alma 44:16-18)

May 20, 2024

The Zoramites, Alma

Ch. 28-29 In this episode we read and discuss chapter 28, The Zoramites and the Rameumptom, and chapter 29, Alma Teaches about Faith and the Word of God.
Zoramites had a place built up in the center of their synagogue, a place for standing (Rameumptom, interpreted, is the holy stand), which was high above the head; and the top thereof would only admit one person. Chapter 28-4 (Alma 31:13, 21)

May 20, 2024

The People of Ammon, Korihor

Ch. 26-27 In this episode we read and discuss chapter 26, The People of Ammon, and chapter 27, Korihor.
Korihor went forth among the people, yea, among a people who had separated themselves from the Nephites and called themselves Zoramites, and as he went forth amongst them, behold, he was run upon and trodden down, even until he was dead.  Chapter 27-17 (Alma 30:59)

May 20, 2024

Ammon Meets King Lamoni’s Father

Ch. 24-25 In this episode we read and discuss chapter 24, Ammon Meets King Lamoni’s Father, and chapter 25, Aaron Teaches King Lamoni’s Father.
And it came to pass that Ammon and Lamoni proceeded on their journey towards the land of Middoni. And Lamoni found favor in the eyes of the king of the land; therefore the brethren of Ammon were brought forth out of prison.  Chapter 24-10 (Alma 20:28)

May 20, 2024

Ammon: A Great Servant

Ch. 23 In this episode we read and discuss chapter 23, Ammon: A Great Servant.
But Ammon stood forth and began to cast stones at them with his sling; yea, with mighty power he did sling stones amongst them; and thus he slew a certain number of them insomuch that they began to be astonished at his power; nevertheless they were angry because of the slain of their brethren, and they were determined that he should fall; therefore, seeing that they could not hit him with their stones, they came forth with clubs to slay him. Chapter 23-12 (Alma 17:35-36)

May 20, 2024

Alma's Mission to Ammonihah

Ch. 22 In this episode we read and discuss chapter 22, Alma’s Mission to Ammonihah.
Alma had come to the city of Ammonihah he began to preach the word of God unto them. But Satan had gotten great hold upon the hearts of the people of the city of Ammonihah; therefore they would not hearken unto the words of Alma. They reviled him, and spit upon him, and caused that he should be cast out of their city, he departed thence and took his journey towards the city which was called Aaron
Chapter 22-2 (Alma 5:1; 8:8-9, 11, 13)

May 20, 2024

Sons of Mosiah, Alma & Nehor

Ch. 19-21 In this episode we read and discuss chapter 19, The Sons of Mosiah Become Missionaries and chapter 20, Alma & Nehor and chapter 21, The Amlicites.
Nehor who slew Gideon, was taken by the people of the church, and was brought before Alma, to be judged according to the crimes which he had committed. He stood before Alma and pleaded for himself with much boldness.  Chapter 20-5 (Alma 1:10-11)

May 20, 2024

Alma the Younger

Ch. 18 In this episode we read and discuss chapter 18, Alma the Younger Repents.
And so great was the astonishment of the sons of Mosiah and Alma the younger, that they fell to the earth, and understood not the words which he spake unto them. Chapter 18-8 (Mosiah 27:12)

May 20, 2024

Alma Teaches about Faith and the Word

CH. 47- 48 In this episode we learn through the life of Mormon that God will protect and bless those who choose to repent, to keep His commandments and to follow the Savior. We also learn how many years after Christ came, the people became wicked again. The sacred records of the Church were hidden to protect them from the wicked. Mormon was a strong and mighty man of God and was allowed to retrieve the records and write the history of his people. The Nephites were so wicked that the Lord could not protect them in battles against the Lamanites. In Mormon’s final battle, he is badly wounded and gives the records to his son, Moroni, to complete. Moroni is the last righteous Nephite to live. He finishes the record and hides it in the earth, relying in the Lord to bring them forth again. The Scripture Stories are available online at
Mormon took all the records form the hill where Ammaron had hidden them and wrote to the people woh would one day read the record. Chapter 49-17 (Mormon 4:23; 5:9, 12)

May 20, 2024

Abinadi, King Noah

Ch. 14 In this episode we will review what happened to King Benjamin and Zeniff, as well as read and discuss the story of the prophet Abinadi and King Noah. Turn to chapter 14 and read along with us as we learn about how the prophet Abinadi was sent to preach about repentance and Jesus Christ to the Nephites. King Noah was the wicked king who did not want to follow the counsel of Abinadi. We will talk about why it is important to follow the prophet and how we can be valiant witnesses of Jesus Christ to our friends and in all that we do.
Abinadi burned at the stake

May 20, 2024

King Benjamin, Zeniff

Ch. 12-13 In this episode we will review what happened to Enos, discuss how King Benjamin taught the importance of taking upon us the name of Jesus Christ, and review the record of Zeniff. Turn to chapter 12 (King Benjamin), page 32, and read along with us. We'll also talk about how the teachings and example of King Benjamin and Zeniff apply to us by serving others, listening to the prophet, and praying for strength.
King Benjamin asked the people if they believed his teachings.  They all said they did.  The Holy Ghost had changed them, and they no longer wanted to sin.  Chapter 12-20 (Mosiah 5:1-2)

May 20, 2024


Ch. 11 In this episode we will learn about Enos and prayer. We use prayer to talk to Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father hears us when we pray and will answer our prayers. Turn to chapter 11 (Enos), page 30, and read along with us. We’ll also talk about how to have more meaningful prayers, how we should talk to Heavenly Father, what we should pray for, and how we receive answers to our prayers.
And my soul hungered; and I kneeled down before my Maker, and I cried unto him in mighty prayer and supplication for mine own soul; and all the day long did I cry unto him; yea, and when the night came I did still raise my voice high that it reached the heavens. Chapter 11-3 (Enos 1:4)