April 2023 General Conference Quote Card
Gospel Living

Life is full of problems and questions.

05/07/23 | 1 min read
But solutions and answers are within reach.

After each general conference we love sharing some of the best quotes with you! We’ll be posting one a week or so over the next six months.

This first one is from President Nelson’s closing talk. It’s quite a statement!

The world wants you to believe that answers are found in money, popularity, or a million other self-help practices. But President Nelson is reminding us that Jesus Christ has already taught us the patterns for joyful living. We can find healing by following Him and practicing His gospel.

Perhaps now would be a good time to think about what questions or problems are weighing you down, and then explore what guidance Jesus Christ offers you. It would also be great to share what you learn! One of the reasons disciples gather together at Church is to help each other solve problems and better understand truths.

So... what have you learned from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ this week?

Pick One Insight to Share

Write down something you learned from the Savior, or a story about how He helped your life, that you could share with your family, class, or quorum.

PS—Read or watch President Nelson’s full talk here. Look for another conference quote card next week!
