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Gospel Living

Following a prompting from the Holy Ghost to avoid a snake encounter!

09/05/24 | 1 min read
Here’s Suze’s 99+1 story.

Suzie was at a Church camp for the very first time without a family member.

“Even though I knew some of the people there, I was still very nervous,” she said.

So, during personal scripture study time, she prayed specifically for reassurance that God was watching over her.

“When I finished praying, I felt better,” she said. She sat back and started to read.

But after only a few verses, a thought came to mind: “You need to move.”

Suzie pushed the thought away. But it came back again. And again.

“The third time this prompting came I decided to listen,” she said.

She packed up her book, stood up... and then saw it!

“There was a long black snake right next to where I had been!” she said.

Understandably, Suzie was a little startled. But she also felt like she had received an answer to prayer—promptings that clearly testified of God’s care for her.

“No matter how small and insignificant we feel, the Lord loves us and is always watching over us,” she said.

Thank you so much for sharing, Suzie!

99+1 Suzie

To Think About

Why does God sometimes prevent bad things from happening, but other times allows them? Sometimes we are saved from the snake, and other times we are strengthened to endure the snake bite.
