General Conference: Sinah
Gospel Living

She came with questions.

09/30/24 | 1 min read
Here’s Sinah’s testimony of general conference!

Do you have any questions about the gospel? God encourages us to think and pray and ask about the spiritual questions we have. Being patient and waiting for answers can be so hard!

One place where we can often find answers is general conference. Sometimes, answers come in the words that are shared. Other times, conference invites the Spirit to touch our hearts and minds with personal revelation that may lead to answers.

Sinah, a young woman from Germany, had this experience once after a temple trip.

“I had a few questions about the temple that definitely came up,” she said.

A friend encouraged her to pray before general conference and ask for answers. So she did.

“In every talk I could find answers to my questions,” Sinah testified. “I realized that this is exactly what I needed to hear.”

Wow! Thanks so much for sharing, Sinah!

We hope you’ll start thinking and praying about the questions you have, and then see what answers general conference will bring!

My Questions

What would you like to learn more about during general conference?
