Kentucky: Scripture Study
Gospel Living

Activity: Strengthening Scripture Study Skills

10/23/19 | 1 min read


Strengthen your understanding of and relationship with the Savior as you improve scripture study skills.

Activity Suggestion

Before the activity, ask the youth to anonymously contribute questions, thoughts, and concerns they have about life, family, the gospel, and other things they find meaningful. For example:

  • I’m worried about all the bad things happening in the world.
  • How do I know when the Spirit is guiding me?
  • I’ve had a really bad day.
  • No one understands what I’m going through.
  • I have a big decision coming up, and I don’t know what to do.

Write down or print out these questions on small pieces of paper and put them into a bowl. At the activity, randomly choose some of the questions and read them aloud. As you read them, spend time exploring what the scriptures say about them.

To help you do this, invite someone who has experience studying the scriptures to show the youth study techniques, such as marking scriptures, taking notes, using the Topical Guide (and other Church-prepared study resources), or writing thoughts in a study journal (paper or electronically in Gospel Library). Youth can try out each study technique using their own scriptures, the Gospel Library app, or a photocopied page of scripture.

As the youth try these different methods, discuss how and why to use each one. For example, what can they write when they keep a study journal? Why does it help to highlight scripture verses? How do these study techniques help us find the guidance, comfort, and strength that can come from the scriptures? Invite the youth to individually study the scriptures to find answers to the remaining questions. (Consider using the Circles feature of the Gospel Living app to share what everyone learns.)

Please adapt activities as necessary to ensure all individuals are able to participate, belong, and contribute.

Adaptation Ideas

  • Invite the missionaries to speak to the group and demonstrate how missionaries study daily, modeling the techniques taught in chapter 2 of Preach My Gospel. Ask the missionaries to share experiences of how their study helps them share the gospel.
  • Invite an individual from your ward or stake to share how they use the Gospel Library app to study the scriptures. Explore ways to mark scripture passages, record thoughts, and so on. Explain the features in Gospel Library that save notes and marked scriptures so that if a youth uses Gospel Library while signed in to their Church Account, they’ll be able to view their saved notes and marks when they sign in online as well.


Encourage youth to talk about how what they are learning can help them and others grow closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity and should last just a few minutes. You could ask questions like the following:

  • Why do you think it is important to learn scripture study skills?
  • When have you felt the Holy Ghost while studying the scriptures?
  • What personal revelation did you receive?
  • How does studying the scriptures help us draw closer to the Savior?

          Related Resources


          Try this activity with your family, class, quorum, or friends.
