Family Photos
Gospel Living

Tales, photos, music, and more!

09/16/24 | 1 min read
Who knows where storytelling night will lead?

This is a really fun choose-your-own adventure kind of activity where you never quite know what will happen!

  • Invite your parents, grandparents, or even older siblings to come to storytelling night, asking them to be ready to share stories about the past.
  • Choose some themes you’re interested in, like “Things they did when they were kids” or “My family’s favorite vacation spots.”
  • Sit in a circle and ask them to each take a turn sharing a story about the theme. It could be a funny, brave, or heartwarming memory—anything goes! You could pick a new theme each time you go around the circle.
  • Whenever possible, gather props that relate to your stories—like photos, clothing, knick-knacks, or videos!
  • Play music that matches the stories. These could be favorite songs or instrumental music from a particular era.

As the last tale is told, you’ll realize you’ve experienced something special. You’ve learned about your family and bonded in a new way.

So let the stories begin!

Add Memories to

If a story involves a particular ancestor, you could add that story to the Memories tab on their profile!
