Baptisms in the Congo
Gospel Living

The Rewards of Becoming More Like Jesus Christ

01/07/20 | 1 min read

Check out these awesome blessings that will come as you seek and act on promptings from the Holy Ghost to become more and more like Jesus Christ.

  • Feeling Heavenly Father’s and Jesus Christ’s infinite love for you.
  • Confidence that you are growing in ways that are pleasing to Heavenly Father.
  • More faith in the Savior.
  • Strengthened ability to receive and act on revelation.
  • Joy and peace by choosing the right.
  • Stronger relationships with those who help you grow.
  • New skills, wisdom, and experience.
  • The ability to help others with the knowledge you gain.

The new Children and Youth program can help you in this effort.

Strive to Be

Click on the link above to find helpful tips and videos on how you can become more like the Savior and attain these blessings.
