The sacrament isn’t complete without both halves: the bread and the water. We already shared a video about the Savior blessing and passing the bread. In this video He is blessing and passing wine.
Today, we use water for the sacrament. The Lord says that “it mattereth not what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink when ye partake of the sacrament, if it so be that ye do it with an eye single to my glory” (Doctrine and Covenants 27:2).
Did you know that during World War II, French Saints used potato peelings for the sacrament because there was no bread? And sometimes today we use crackers or cereal to accommodate people with food allergies. It would be OK to use a beverage other than water, too, if good water were unavailable and our leaders said we should use something else instead.
The sacrament is our time to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and renew the covenants that we’ve made with God. It is a time to invite the Spirit into our lives and recommit to follow our Savior. It was a special time for the Nephites then and can be a special time for us now.
To Think About
PS—You can find all of the Book of Mormon videos here.