Isaiah Writes of Christ’s Birth (The Prophet Isaiah Foretells Christ’s Birth)
Gospel Living

They had faith in the Savior even before He was born!

12/21/22 | 1 min read
An Old Testament perspective on the Christmas story.

We already have records of the Savior’s miracles, His teachings, and His Atonement. His life is a matter of history.

Imagine if none of those things had happened yet! People in Old Testament times believed that the Messiah would someday come to save them from death and sin. Talk about faith!

This year we’ve been reading the words of these faithful men and women who believed in Jesus Christ even though He hadn’t come yet. Maybe we could also remember them this Christmas season as we commemorate an event that happened over 2,000 years ago. Imagine how grateful they must have been when Christ finally came.

And imagine how grateful we will be when Jesus Christ comes again! That’s what we get to prepare for and look forward to.

Find a Favorite

Add a favorite Old Testament verse that talks about Jesus Christ to your journal. Why do you like it? Isaiah has some great ones, if you need a place to start!

Note: Read more about this idea on pages 10–13 of this month’s For the Strength of Youth magazine! (LINK TO COME)
