A lot of cool things happened at the April 2022 general conference! Here are four highlights:
1. Conference audience
It was the first time in two years that the public could attend conference in person at the Conference Center! Even though the number of attendees was limited, it was still great to see an audience for the speakers again.
2. More temples
President Nelson announced 17 new temples this conference, which means he has now announced 100 temples during his time as the prophet. That’s the most temples ever announced by one prophet! Watch for an upcoming post about that.
3. Historic temples
One of the temples President Nelson announced was for Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo. That will be the first temple in that country! And the Wichita Kansas Temple will be the first temple in the state of Kansas, USA!
4. New callings
New presidencies were called for the Primary and Relief Society General Presidencies. You can learn more about these amazing women here.
Above: The new Primary General Presidency includes First Counselor Amy Wright (left), President Susan H. Porter (middle), and Second Counselor Tracy Y. Browning (right). Sister Browning is the first African American woman to serve in a General Presidency!
Above: The new Relief Society General Presidency includes First Counselor J. Anette Dennis (left), President Camille N. Johnson (middle), and Second Counselor Kristin M. Yee (right).
What other announcements or events stood out to you from general conference?