Scripture Connection: Take No Thought for the Morrow
Gospel Living

This scripture might be easily misunderstood.

10/04/24 | 1 min read
Here’s what the Savior said.

Scripture of the Day:Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient is the day unto the evil thereof.” —3 Nephi 13:34

One important thing to realize about this scripture is that the Savior was talking to those who were in full-time Church service—kind of like full-time missionaries.

They aren’t expected to hold jobs while they are proselyting because they are supposed to focus all of their energy on sharing the gospel!

Obviously, those of us who aren’t called full-time to serve in the Church need to make plans and work hard and look forward to the good things ahead of us.

But even then, we can try not worry about the future so much that it prevents us from doing His work in our daily life! We have enough actual challenges each day without stressing out too much about what tomorrow’s challenges might be.

Remember, you don’t know what’s ahead—but the Savior does. And He will help you through whatever comes your way.

Help with Anxiety

Some people really struggle with worrying—which in some cases can be signs of clinical anxiety. If you find yourself worrying a lot, talk to an adult and ask for help.
