Gospel Living

This song has a simple but powerful message.

29 Dec 2022 | 2 min read
Aaliyah Rose performs 'Like Him' during the Youth Music Festival held on July 29, 2020.
We can choose to be like Jesus Christ each day!

This is a beautiful song from the 2020 Youth Music Festival. (Lyrics below!) It reminds us that at the end of the day, we must choose for ourselves whether or not to follow Jesus Christ. No one else can make that decision for us!

Even though the stories in the New Testament took place nearly two thousand years ago, we can still look to them as we study the life of the Savior and seek to follow His example in the modern circumstances of our lives. Here are some tips for better understanding what He would do:

  • Think of how modern Christlike people would act in the situation. It might be easier to imagine what President Nelson might do, for example. He represents the Savior well!
  • Continue to get to know the Savior better by reading scriptures and watching videos about His life. The stronger your relationship is, the more you’ll understand how He would act.
  • Keep learning to listen to the Spirit. This is one reason why we were given the gift of the Holy Ghost—so He could guide us through our daily decisions! Keep paying attention to what brings you the good feelings of the Spirit (see Galatians 5:22–23).

Let’s try extra hard to follow Jesus Christ today!

I Will Be Like Him

How can you be more like the Savior this week?

“Like Him”
Words and Music: Nik Day
Artist: Aaliyah Rose

1. When this world was created
we all shouted for joy.
‘Cause it was just the beginning,a
nd we had a way to grow and to change.
We were provided a Savior
to pay for our sins.
And so He could show us the way we should go
and that we’re not alone.

And we can be like Him
if we just let Him in.
We hear his voice in the dark,
He put His love in our hearts,
so, when we see Him again,
we can be like Him.

2. His grace is eternal,
His love without end.
And if we go where He leads us and walk in His ways,
we’ll see His face.

And we can be like Him
if we just let Him in.
We hear his voice in the dark,
He put His love in our hearts,
so, when we see Him again,
we can be like Him.

3. When we learn to love the way He loves
and find the part of Him inside of us.
We will know Him when we see Him.
‘Cause we will be like Him.

And we can be like Him
if we just let Him in.
We hear his voice in the dark,
He put His love in our hearts,
so, when we see Him again,
we can be like Him.

29 Dec 2022 | 2 min read