Woman Walking Up
Gospel Living

Through it all, God loves us.

07/04/23 | 1 min read
Let’s stick with Him through our highs and lows!

Sometimes we’re obedient. Sometimes we’re ... not. We try to live righteously and do everything Heavenly Father asks of us, but we all fall short on occasion.

Through it all—through the the highs and lows (which is the name of this song!)—one thing never changes: God’s love for us. His love is “perfect” (see Moroni 8:16). He can’t bless us as much as He’d like to when we’re not living worthily, but that doesn’t diminish how much He cares about us, even when we mess up.

The Savior’s greatest demonstration of His love for us was to sacrifice himself for our sins so that even when we do mess up, there could be a way for us to repent. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us and it is never too late to return to Them.

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