Gospel Living

With God in your corner?

6 Mar 2020 | 1 min read
With Heavenly Father in his corner, Kimani feels like nothing can stand in his way.
No enemy can defeat you!

The sport of boxing is both physical and mental. You have to think about what you’re doing—mindless, random punching won’t win against a smart opponent!

Our lives require thought, too—especially against Satan, who just wants to tear us down.

The Book of Mormon is one of the best tools God has given us for increasing our power and wisdom. Study it daily, and you’ll come out victorious!

See 1 Nephi 15:24 to read this promise in scripture. You plus the Lord can conquer any opponent.

Follow the Footnotes

Read the verse above. Notice the footnotes? (The little letters above certain words?) Tap on them and read the verses they take you to. What do you learn?

6 Mar 2020 | 1 min read