Scripture Connection: Everything Testifies of God
Gospel Living

Want a sign that God is real?

07/16/24 | 1 min read
Just look around!

Scripture of the Day: “All things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator.” —Alma 30:44

Korihor, an anti-Christ, claimed he didn’t believe in God. He demanded that if God existed, He should show him a sign through His prophet, Alma. The verse above is part of Alma’s reply.

Just look around! The fact that the earth is so organized and beautiful and functional, orbiting the Sun in a regular pattern, is evidence of a Master Creator. Everything testifies of God!

So if you’re ever feeling alone in the universe, look up at the vastness of space and the stars and planets. They were created by your loving Heavenly Father just for you.

To Think About...

Some people think philosophies of science (like evolution) and faith (like creation) are enemies. But they don’t have to be! How might Heavenly Father have used processes like evolution to create the world?
