Gospel Living

We asked, they answered!

06/23/24 | 2 min read
Mission-prep tips straight from the field.

Young women in the Church are invited to serve full-time missions after reaching the age of 19. Are you thinking of serving?

It’s never a bad idea to prepare, even if your plans end up changing.

Recently we asked missionaries to tell us what helped them prepare for their missions. Here are a few of the responses!

Sister Daniels

Sister Daniels

“The best thing that helped me prepare for my mission was beginning scripture study habits. I began reading the Book of Mormon daily at a time of day that worked best for me.

“When I had a question, I wouldn’t worry about how many chapters I read. I would take the time to search for my answer in those scriptures or other good sources like the living prophets or Church website. This helped prepare me to serve, because knowing the scriptures is so important for missionaries! You will get a lot of questions from people and the scriptures answer life’s most difficult questions.”

Sister Jackson

Sister Jackson

“When I was in high school, I didn’t know if I was going to serve a mission, so I started going to mission-prep classes offered by my stake. If I ended up going, then I would be glad for the class—and if not, I’d still learn some important things about sharing the gospel!

“It was through taking the class and studying Preach My Gospel that I received my answer about serving. Heavenly Father can guide us best when we start preparing to serve a mission, building scripture study habits, learning the basic principles, and purifying ourselves. Not everyone will serve, but everyone can prepare to serve, and everyone will be blessed for it!”

Sister Gross

Sister Goss

“Something that helped me get ready was to establish and strengthen my foundation of daily scripture study. You don’t have to be a Book of Mormon expert to have a spiritual confirmation that it is true.

“I am also quieter, so to help me get out of my comfort zone before the mission, I made the effort to wave and smile to as many people as I could while out and about. It helped me recognize that they truly all are God’s beloved children, and my desire to share the restored gospel grew!”

Thanks for sharing your tips, sisters! Keep up the good work!

Overcoming Pre-Mission Nerves

Do you have any tips for sisters who are feeling anxious about the mission call they received? Share your experiences at youth@ChurchofJesusChrist.org. We love hearing from you!
