We know by now that Job had it pretty hard. His family died. He lost everything he owned. He got really sick. And the people around him were cruel! It would be easy to sink into self-pity and just sit around feeling sorry for yourself in that situation.
While Job definitely felt negative emotions, he also managed to hang on to positive thoughts and actions. That totally reminded us of Aaron in this video! Aaron has been able to view his trial through a positive lens.
Elder Uchtdorf once suggested that “instead of being thankful for things, we focus on being thankful in our circumstances—whatever they may be.”1 Basically, while you may not be grateful for a particular negative experience, you can still find other things to be grateful for in that moment.
And who knows? You might be surprised at how your trials can help you grow—as Job said, “When [the Lord] hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold” (Job 23:10).
Look for one more Job “pro tip” this week.
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1. From “Grateful in Any Circumstances,” general conference, Apr. 2014.