Gospel Living

Activity: Welcome to the Neighborhood

11/16/19 | 1 min read


Make new friends and build relationships as you greet and serve new community members. Help them feel welcome through your service.

Activity Suggestion

Visit new families or individuals in your neighborhood and welcome them to the community with service!

Talk to the bishop, elders quorum president, or Relief Society president about new members in your ward; also, think of any new families you’re aware of in your community.

After identifying a household you can visit, welcome them to your community, possibly by doing one or more of the following:

  • If they haven’t moved in yet, form a moving party and help them carry things into their home.
  • As a group, deliver a greeting card and a treat to a new neighbor. Use the opportunity to introduce yourself, your group, friends, or family when you deliver it.
  • You might offer to do yard work, paint, or help with small home repairs.

After meeting new neighbors, remember their names and greet them the next time you see them.

Please adapt activities as necessary to ensure all individuals are able to participate, belong, and contribute.

Adaptation Ideas

    • With the permission of your school, make a list of new students who have arrived midyear. Write each person a note welcoming him or her to your community, and deliver the notes at school.
    • Hold a simple service activity for people in your community to participate in, such as picking up trash. Invite your neighbors—both known and unknown—to serve and become acquainted with each other.


      Encourage youth to talk about how what they are learning can help them and others grow closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity and should last just a few minutes. You could ask questions like the following:

      • Why do you think it is important to welcome people to the neighborhood?
      • When have you felt welcomed to a new neighborhood or school?
      • How can you serve a neighbor who isn’t friendly?
      • What did the Savior teach about loving our neighbors?


      Try this activity with your family, class, quorum, or friends.
