Gospel Living

What Happens after We Die?

12 Jan 2021 | 1 min read
Life after death is part of God’s plan of happiness.

“What happens after we die?”

You know what they say about mortality: nobody gets out alive. Since death is inevitable, people have always been anxious to know what—if anything—happens after this life ends. While Heavenly Father hasn’t revealed everything about our journey after death, we know one reassuring truth that may bring peace:

Death is not the end. Every single one of us will get to live forever in a perfected body. Everyone!

This is a blessing Jesus Christ gave us through His Atonement. It’s a blessing for anyone who chose to come to earth. At some point after death, our spirit will rejoin our perfected body, never to be separated again. This is called resurrection, and it sounds awesome. Our body will never experience injury or disease, and it will last forever.

Whether or not we spend the rest of our eternal journey with our Heavenly Father depends on the choices we make. But resurrection is a gift for everyone.

Is there someone you know who would benefit from this wonderful truth?

12 Jan 2021 | 1 min read