Patriarchal Blessings Series
Gospel Living

When Should You Get Your Patriarchal Blessing?

11/23/20 | 1 min read

“Simply stated, the best time for you to receive a blessing is when you are ready. Being ‘ready’ means being emotionally as well as spiritually prepared. This will probably be during your teenage years. This is when you start to become independent and begin to wonder about life and what will happen to you.

“You will reach the point when you truly desire to have a blessing—not because your friends are getting theirs but because you desire it for yourself. This may happen when you see others do things that you know are wrong. It may happen when a friend or relative dies. It may happen when you hear a talk in church that touches your heart. It may happen as you read the scriptures and learn more about the Savior. It may happen when you are alone and begin to feel God’s love for you. It may happen as you approach the age to serve a mission, go away to college, enter military service, or marry in the temple.”1


1. Robert K Wagstaff, “When Should I Get My Patriarchal Blessing?New Era, Aug. 2009, 12.

Strive to Be

Talk to your parents about your patriarchal blessing and how you might prepare yourself for this experience.
