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Latter-day Saints Channel

Will God Answer My Prayers?

Ashley Ziegler
03/12/16 | 2 min read
We all experience such different trials in life, yet we all feel the same at some point.

We all experience anger, grief, sadness, joy, and gratitude.

I had been desperately looking for some sort of way to feel more connected with the Spirit and to feel inspired and guided in my life. I decided to take advantage of being able to listen to music during work. I went to to explore. I love the music channel and often listen to gospel music, but I decided one day that I was going to give the radio talk stream a chance.

When I started listening, the series Enduring It Well came on. It was “Episode 37: But a Small Moment - Kathryn England.” She had the sweetest voice as she told the heartbreaking story of her family and of the trials she faced at an early age. There was something that struck me—something so very different. As I listened, I could honestly start to feel for her.

Though my trials are not the same as hers, I still face trials just like she does. It was almost as if I was grieving with her. I just wanted to hug her. But the positivity and trust in God that you could hear in her voice helped me realize that I really can trust God. He’s here for me, always ready to help me.

My father is battling cancer right now, and I could just feel for her child who suffered from cancer. We all experience such different trials in life, yet we all feel the same at some point.

Listening to her talk, especially about how she had to rebuild herself from the ground up even though she started out with complete faith in Jesus Christ—that is exactly like me. I was firm in my faith years ago, but recently I have found myself at rock bottom, unsure how to rebuild.

I truly felt like the Lord was blessing me. It was like He was telling me that the Mormon Channel was exactly what I needed in that moment to connect with the Spirit. I felt as if someone was embracing me. I realized I don’t have to be perfect every day, and even if I feel alone facing my trials, I’m really not.

I have re-listened to that episode more than I’d like to admit. Maybe it’s because I felt for her, or maybe it was because the Lord was answering a prayer of mine through someone else. God is aware of us and is always willing to answer our prayers.

Was there a time you felt helped or inspired by something on Mormon Channel? We want to hear about it! Sharing your story could help somebody just like you.

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Ashley Ziegler
From Utah.