What a Restoration means to Me
Gospel Living

Will God bless you for paying tithing? Try it and find out!

12/14/22 | 1 min read
A thought from the book of Malachi.

When the Lord taught the law of tithing through His prophet Malachi, He included a bold promise—a challenge, even.

“Prove me now herewith,” the Lord said, “if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:10).

“Prove” in the scriptures usually means to test or try. The Lord is basically saying: “If you think I won’t bless you for paying your tithing, try me! I will give you more blessings than you know what to do with.”

That’s the same for all commandments, really. The way to find out whether a principle comes from God or not is to live by it and see what happens (see John 7:17). But with tithing, the Lord spelled it out in no uncertain terms: Put this commandment to the test and you will see results.

Does paying your tithing mean you’ll never have financial problems? No. Living the Word of Wisdom doesn’t guarantee you’ll never get sick, either. But when we obey His commandments, the Lord has ways of helping us feel peace and security even when we have challenges. Those who humbly pay tithing are entitled to the Lord’s protection and assistance. Wouldn’t you like to have the windows of heaven open and blessings poured out on you?

Tithing Habits

Are there any goals you could create related to tithes and fast offerings?
