Gospel Living

Will paying tithing really bless my life?

13 Dec 2022 | 1 min read
The Windows of Heaven
Spoiler: yes, it will!

The Lord promised that if you pay tithing, He will “open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:10).

Maybe you’re thinking: “That sounds great, but how will paying tithing and fast offerings help me really?”

Here’s what Elder Carlos G. Revillo Jr. of the Seventy has to say.

  1. Your life will change.
    Elder Revillo is from the Philippines, where there’s a lot of poverty and unemployment. His family had to walk to church because they couldn’t afford public transportation. Slowly, their circumstances began to change. Eventually, he and his five siblings were able to go to college! When people asked his father how that was possible, he would say, “I have been blessed because I pay tithing.”
  2. You will have enough.
    One man told Elder Revillo that he didn’t have enough money to buy food. But he acted in faith and paid tithing anyway. A few months later, he told Elder Revillo that the Lord had blessed him with everything he needed. Following the commandments takes faith. Blessings might not come right away, but they will come!
  3. You will bless others.
    Do you know what your donations are used for? Tithing money helps build chapels and temples around the world. It also supports the activities and programs of the Church. Fast offerings and other donations help the poor—locally and worldwide.1 Elder Revillo says, “I’ve seen families saved from starvation because of fast offerings.”

Your contributions, even if they’re small, make a big difference!

How Much?

God asks us to give 10% of our increase as tithing. On fast Sunday, we are also asked to donate the amount of money we’d usually spend on two meals.

Article adapted from Elder Carlos G. Revillo Jr., “The Windows of Heaven,” For the Strength of Youth, December 2022, 18–19. [Link to come]
1. See the “Tithing and Fast Offerings” pamphlet.

13 Dec 2022 | 1 min read