Yes, Jesus Christ is in the Old Testament
Gospel Living

Yes, Jesus Christ is in the Old Testament.

01/02/22 | 1 min read
Here’s how to find Him.

It was pretty easy to find the Savior while reading the Doctrine and Covenants last year—almost the entire book was a collection of His words.

But what about the Old Testament, which we’re studying this year? Jesus Christ is in that book of scripture too. Sometimes it just takes a little more work to see Him.

Fortunately, we’ve got your back! Here are three pro tips to keep in mind as we kick off 2022.

  1. Some verses talk about Jesus Christ using a different name, like “Jehovah” or “God.” Footnotes can help you know when a name is referring to the Savior.
  2. Many stories include symbols that teach us about the Savior, like the animal sacrifices that represent His death as part of His Atonement.
  3. Old Testament prophets wrote about the coming of Jesus Christ. You might recognize Isaiah 9:6, for example, from a Christmas song!

Let’s use this year of scripture study to draw closer to our Savior. He loves you. Staying close to Him is the best decision any of us can ever make.

Finding Christ

Share what you learn about the Savior this year. Email thoughts, stories, pictures, and artwork to and include “Gospel Living” in the subject line.


Adapted from this article in the January 2022 For the Strength of Youth magazine. For more about this topic, see also the January 2022 Liahona.
